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    Trainer Resources

    • NOSH NH Trainer: Facilitators Manual

    • NOSH Glossary of Terms

    • NOSH Handfeeding Training Power Point

    • NOSH eBook

    • Skills Checklists and Handouts: Black and White Versions for Printing

    • Module 1 Demonstration Videos: Role Play 1-6

    • Module 2 Demonstration Videos: Handfeeding Techniques

    • Additional Information

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    Module 1

    • NOSH Module 1 Training Video

    • NOSH SHAKE Hands Checklist

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    Module 2

    • NOSH Module 2 Training Vido

    • NOSH Handfeeding Techniques Skills Checklist

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    Mealtime Behaviors and Interventions Handouts

    • NOSH Mealtime Behaviors

    • NOSH Mealtime Interventions

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    • A Huge THANK YOU ...